Sunday, November 20, 2016

Messiaen on Villa-Lobos

In this short audio clip from the Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie, Olivier Messiaen talks about the influence of Villa-Lobos on his own music.


  1. Despite the indisputable innovations, in the Turangalila Orchestra we find a heritage, from whom?
    This is an embarrassing question, I love Debussy, and there may be some Debussy influence in my orchestration, but there is another, unexpected influence that no one imagines and I never spoke of, but I recognize it, is Villa-Lobos's influence. Although some do not like him, he has an absolutely extraordinary orchestration, and is really a great musician. To conclude I also see the influence of the greatest composer in my opinion, Berlioz.

  2. Hi Simone! So nice hearing about you! I agree! Best wishes!!!
